Kpler was born from the need of more transparency in commodity markets. For years, commodity markets were indeed very opaque. Information sources at the disposal of market players were limited: on one hand, vessel-tracking tools were of little use in knowing what was actually being carried; on the other, PDF reports published with a time delay were not only time-consuming to read but also partial and sometimes biased.
Kpler saw the digitalization as an opportunity to bring transparency to commodity markets, with an important focus on LPG. By using the latest digital technologies, Kpler’s founders designed an innovative methodology aimed at bringing together the different pieces of the LNG market’s information puzzle. The goal was to allow market players to spend adequate time on value-added analytical tasks rather than on long and painful information collection processes.
In a few years only, Kpler has become a must-have tool. Through different channels (web and mobile application, API, Excel add-in), it provides market players with a large array of information on the LPG market. One key feature of Kpler’s data technology is that the information is available in real-time. Also, the level of information provided ranges from granular (comprehensive information on every single cargo and installation) to macro (global flows), bringing value to different types of players (analysts, traders, operation managers, ship owners and brokers, portfolio managers, etc.).
Kpler’s success story is a brilliant example of how the digital can enhance the LPG industry, by giving more power to its players.