Today marks the first post to the Seaborne LPG blog. Greetings! We are happy to announce that we are feverishly working on our upcoming Seaborne LPG Yearbook multi-client study and looking forward to publishing it in the near future. Our study will be viewed by industry participants as the greatest analytical review of the international seaborne LPG trading industry ever published.
We have designed the study so that it is broken into three volumes and 15 sections. Section 1 is an extensive Executive Summary designed for company CEO’s and Presidents, Board of Director members, and very high-level executives and decision makers. Section 2 is a more in-depth coverage of the global seaborne LPG trade, designed for high-ranking decision makers and other company leaders (e.g., Directors and Managers). Sections 3 through 12 include country-by-country seaborne LPG import and seaborne LPG volumes and commentary for 155 countries around the world that import, and/or export LPG by sea. The detailed country-level LPG volumes lifted and received by sea are included for all subscribers that have a keen interest in knowing the month-to-month, quarter-to-quarter, year-to-year changes in seaborne LPG trade for any given country of the world, but were designed with the interest of corporate planners and analysts in mind. Sections 13 covers imports by region by Charterer, illustrating the market shares that each Charterer has achieved in each region. We believe that waterborne LPG traders will be particularly interested in this section. Section 14 provides lists on the world’s entire LPG fleet, providing vessels names and capacities, broken out by vessel class (e.g., VLGC’s, MGC’s, Handysize and small gas carriers).
Our study team has 100 years of gas and LPG industry experience, working for real-world companies in the gas and LPG industry, as well as consultants to the global LPG industry. We are highly confident that you’ll quickly conclude our study of seaborne LPG trade will be the greatest study of its kind ever published, once we complete it. We will complete the study in October 2019 and begin selling it on November 1, 2019.